Error in Bamboo logs when using Chrome

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Using Chrome, following error shows up in the logs:

build	27-Jan-2014 10:14:41	27/01/2014 10:14:41 - 		Opening browser.Object = | Data = Chrome
build	27-Jan-2014 10:14:41	27/01/2014 10:14:41 - 		createDefaultDriver() - Chrome
build	27-Jan-2014 10:14:41	C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\AD-HN-HY\lib\drivers\chrome\profile
build	27-Jan-2014 10:14:41	27/01/2014 10:14:41 - 		Driverpath: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\AD-HN-HY\lib\drivers\chrome\chromedriver.exe
error	27-Jan-2014 10:14:42	Starting ChromeDriver (v2.8.241075) on port 22330
build	27-Jan-2014 10:14:44	27/01/2014 10:14:44 - ====> Keyword FAILED to execute!
build	27-Jan-2014 10:14:44	27/01/2014 10:14:44 - Suite: Login - Test Case: UnSuccessfulLogin - Keyword: openBrowser - Return value is: Result = false	 - Exception = unknown error: cannot create temp dir for unpacking extensions
build	27-Jan-2014 10:14:44	  (Driver info: chromedriver=2.8.241075,platform=Windows NT 6.1 SP1 x86_64) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
build	27-Jan-2014 10:14:44	Command duration or timeout: 1.37 seconds
build	27-Jan-2014 10:14:44	Build info: version: '2.39.0', revision: '14fa800511cc5d66d426abhuysjgg2ab926c7ed7398', time: '2013-12-16 13:18:38'
build	27-Jan-2014 10:14:44	System info: host: 'US26', ip: '', 'Windows Server 2008 R2', os.arch: 'x86', os.version: '6.1', java.version: '1.7.0_25'
build	27-Jan-2014 10:14:44	Driver info:
build	27-Jan-2014 10:14:44	27/01/2014 10:14:44 - Starting: Suite: Login - Test Case: SuccessfulLogin
build	27-Jan-2014 10:14:44	27/01/2014 10:14:44 - 	Step: AD05 - Keyword to run: openBrowser
build	27-Jan-2014 10:14:44	27/01/2014 10:14:44 - 	Executing keyword with parameters: (Object = '' | Data = '')


The user running Bamboo is not a local admin account.


If running Bamboo as a service, follow the guidelines on this page to run Bamboo as a local user: Running Bamboo as a Windows service as the local user

Last modified on Nov 2, 2018

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