ResponseConnectTimeoutException: The host did not accept the connection within timeout of 1500 ms

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  1. set up "Bamboo administration >> Add-ons >> Application Links"

    • Trusted Apps authentication (disabled)
    • OAuth authentication (enabled)
      • Allow 2-Legged OAuth (enabled)
      • Allow user impersonation through 2-Legged OAuth (disabled)
    • Basic Auth authentication (disabled)
  2. set up "Bamboo administration >> Build resources >> Server capabilities"

    • Git capabilities:

      # the location will vary depending on Operational System and installation directory
  3. set up "Bamboo administration >> Build resources >> Linked repositories" using "Stash" repository
  4. set up Plan configuration by adding "Linked Repository" under "Repositories" tab
  5. set up "Source Code Checkout" task by selecting the Stash repository set up
  6. run build in Bamboo
  7. check in the logs for Timeout Exception
  8. attempt to clone repository from Terminal running from the same box where Bamboo is installed

    git clone http://[stash-base-url]/scm/[project]/[repository].git
    git clone ssh://git@[stash-base-url]:7999/[project]/[repository].git

The following appears in the atlassian-bamboo.log:

2015-03-03 07:37:55,698 INFO [scheduler_Worker-4] [RemoteConnectionTester] Exception requesting status for remote host STASH (406557d1-2525-3c45-8faa-c73aef170d33) http://stash-base-url:7990 com.atlassian.applinks.application.stash.StashApplicationTypeImpl@d625696 The host did not accept the connection within timeout of 1500 ms


Please, make sure the following port number are opened in your Firewall and/or iptables:

  • 7990 (Stash default connector port number - <stash-install>/conf/server.xml)
  • 7999 (Stash administration >> Server >> Server settings)

    [x] SSH enabled
    [x] SSH access keys enabled
    SSH Port: 7999
  • 22 (Default SSH port number)


Please, make sure port number described above are available for use.

Last modified on Mar 30, 2016

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