This documentation relates to an earlier version of Application Links.

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

or visit the current documentation home.

This documentation applies to Application Links version 1.x. The latest AppLinks documentation is available via this link.

About Application Links
What is Application Links?

Application Links (AppLinks) is a plugin that allows you to link your JIRA, Confluence, FishEye, Crucible and Subversion applications. You can even choose to associate individual projects, spaces, reviews and repositories with each other. Then, when you add text into one of the applications, you can refer to a page, issue or source file using just a simple textual reference. You do not need to enter the full URL. The text is automatically linked to the correct project, space, review or repository.

An Example
  • Let's say that your JIRA installation has a project called myProject.
  • Let's also say that your Confluence installation has a space called mySpace, which contains all the documentation for myProject on JIRA.
  • Using Application Links, you have linked myProject to mySpace.
  • Now, you can add the following markup to a JIRA issue in myProject: [Test Page].
  • JIRA will automatically display the text with a link to the Confluence page called 'Test Page' in mySpace.

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