Archive a project

Project archiving is only available on Premium and Enterprise plans. If you archive a project and then move to a Standard plan, you can still access the archive and restore archived projects. However, you can’t archive new projects on a Standard plan. Explore Jira Cloud plans

As an admin in Jira, you can archive inactive projects along with their issues, components, attachments, and versions. This won’t affect associated schemes, workflows, issue types, or any content that is shared with other projects.

When a project is archived, its issues won’t appear in basic or advanced search results. You can still access these issues through direct links, but you won’t be able to edit them.

It's still possible for users to access the details of an archived project. They can do this through the API if they had these permissions before archiving it. They'll still have access to the project's schemes, lead, who archived the project, and when. To restrict all access, you'll need to edit the permissions on your project before archiving it.

Jira and site admins can archive and restore company-managed and team-managed projects. Project admins can only archive team-managed projects. The same applies to moving company-managed and team-managed projects to trash and restoring them.

Read more about managing global permissions and project permissions.

As a Jira or site admin, you can access the archive and:

  • view when a project was archived

  • view which user archived a project

  • restore a project that was archived

To archive a project:

  1. Choose Projects > View all projects.

  2. Find your project and select ••• > Archive. A confirmation dialog appears.

  3. Click Archive.

To restore a project:

  1. Choose  > Projects.

  2. Select Archive from the sidebar. 

  3. Find your project and select ••• > Restore.

If a project has invalid epic-link relationships, these links will not be recovered when the project is restored. Learn more about invalid epic-link relationships.


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