Configure sub-tasks

As a Jira administrator, you can create sub-task issue types to split up larger pieces of work into tasks that can be assigned and tracked separately by your teams. Sub-tasks are enabled by default; however, you can choose to disable them if your teams only need to work with standard issue types. You can also create workflow conditions to ensure that all sub-tasks are completed before a parent issue can be resolved. 

Enable or disable sub-task issue types

Sub-tasks are enabled by default. Note that you can't disable sub-tasks if one or more sub-tasks have already been created in one of your Jira applications. You can convert these sub-tasks to standard issue types if you would like to disable them. 

  1. Select > Issues.

  2. Under ISSUE TYPES, select Sub-tasks.

  3. Click Enable or Disable sub-tasks as needed.  

Create a sub-task issue type

  1. Select > Issues.

  2. Under ISSUE TYPES, select Sub-tasks.

  3. Click Add sub-task issue type

  4. Enter a name and description to define the new sub-task issue type. 

  5. Click Add

Edit a sub-task issue type

  1. Select > Issues.

  2. Click Sub-tasks.

  3. Find the relevant sub-task issue type and click Edit.

  4. Edit the name, description, and avatar as needed and click Update

Block a parent issue workflow based on a sub-task status

You can create a custom workflow with the Sub-task Blocking Condition on the workflow transitions you want to block based on a sub-task's status. This type of condition can prevent a parent issue from being resolved until all of its sub-tasks are resolved.

  1. Select > Issues.

  2. Click Workflows.

  3. Find the relevant workflow and click Edit.

  4. Select a transition (e.g. Resolve) and click Conditions.

  5. Click Add condition.

  6. Select the Sub-task Blocking Condition and click Add.

  7. Select the sub-task statuses (e.g. Done, Resolved) and click Add.

Delete a sub-task issue type

Before deleting a sub-task issue type, we recommend searching for all issues of that type and bulk editing them to select another existing issue type. You can then delete the original sub-task issue type without affecting existing work.

  1. Select > Issues.

  2. Under ISSUE TYPES, select Sub-tasks.

  3. Find the relevant sub-task issue type and click Delete.


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