Configure time tracking


Time tracking lets your team record the time they spend working on issues. It's enabled by default in Jira; you won't lose any existing data if you disable or re-enable it.

Atlassian Marketplace apps can extend Jira's time tracking power.

Configure time tracking permissions

To track their time, you must grant users the Work On Issues permission in their project. To verify your project permissions for time tracking:

  1. Select > Issues.

  2. Click Permission schemes.

  3. Next to the permission scheme you want to configure, click Permissions.

  4. In the Time tracking permissions section, go to the Work On Issues permission and click Edit.

  5. Select the users, groups or project roles that need to log work on issues. 

  6. Click Grant.

Enable or disable time tracking in projects

Time tracking is always enabled in Jira Cloud projects. You can control whether the feature is used in your projects by:

Configure time tracking

  1. Select > Issues.

  2. In the sidebar, under ISSUE FEATURES, select Time Tracking.

  3. Click Edit global settings.

  4. Configure time tracking settings by editing the following fields:



Working hours per day

The number of hours in your working day (decimal values are accepted).

Working days per week

The number of days in a working week (decimal values are accepted).

Time display format

Select the PrettyDays, or Hours format that'll appear on an issue's Time Spent field.

Default unit

Select the unit (Minute, Hour, Day, or Week) that will be applied to logged time if the user doesn't specify one.

Copying of comments to work description

When enabled, comments added when transitioning an issue will be copied to the Work Description. User time log entries will only be visible to members of the project role or group selected. Disabling this option will make user time log entires visible to anyone by default.

5. Click Save.

In order to allow your team to enter an original estimate when creating or editing an issue, you'll need to add the Time Tracking field to relevant screens associated with those operations. See Associating a screen with an issue operation for more details.

Change the time tracking provider

Jira Cloud applications support custom time tracking providers, which you can find in the Atlassian Marketplace. Marketplace apps can offer more advanced time tracking functionality in place of the default Jira time tracking features. To change your time tracking provider: 

  1. Find and install a custom time tracking add-on from the Atlassian Marketplace. 

  2. Select > Issues.

  3. In the sidebar, under ISSUE FEATURES, select Time Tracking.

  4. Choose the app from the Time tracking provider dropdown. 

When you use a third-party time tracking provider, your data might be stored with the app developer. Every Atlassian Marketplace listing provides a link to a Data Security & Privacy statement from the vendor, which you can refer to for more information.


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