Configure workflow triggers

Triggers in your workflow automatically transition issues in Jira when events such as commits, or branches occur in your connected development tools. For example, you can automatically transition from To Do to In Progress when a branch is created.

These triggers can only be used in company-managedprojects.

Before you begin, you’ll need to connect your development tools to your Jira site. See a list of compatible development tools and instructions for how to connect them.

You can view which tools are already connected to your project in two ways. The first is to navigate to the project in question then choose Project settings > Development tools. You can also go directly to this page using the URL [baseurl]/secure/ConfigureDevStatus.jspa?projectKey=PROJECT_KEY.

To add a trigger to an existing workflow:

The steps on this page reference the new workflow editor. Change to this view using the Switch editor menu on the workflow configuration screen.

  1. Find the workflow you want to edit.

  2. In the Workflow editor, select the transition to which you want to add a trigger. Select the icon next to Triggers in the properties panel.

  3. Choose the trigger type you want to add, then select Done.

  4. Select Update workflow to save your changes. Doing so updates all projects that use this workflow.

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