Enable Smart Commits

When you manage your project's repositories in Bitbucket or GitHub, or use Fisheye to browse and search your repositories, you can process your Jira issues using special commands in your commit messages.

You can:

  • comment on issues

  • record time tracking information against issues

  • transition issues to any status (for example 'Resolved') defined in the Jira project's workflow.

Learn more about using Smart Commits: Processing issues with Smart Commits. There are other commands available if you use Crucible for code reviews. See Using Smart Commits in the Fisheye/Crucible documentation.

Get Smart Commits working

To get Smart Commits working:

  1. Link Jira to the other application.

  2. Enable Smart Commits in Jira.

You will need to link Jira Cloud to the other application to enable Smart Commits.

Step 2: Enable Smart Commits in Jira

If you're using Bitbucket Cloud or GitHub

All new repositories added to your linked Bitbucket Cloud or GitHub account have Smart Commits enabled by default. However, a Jira administrator can disable that if necessary, and can also enable or disable Smart Commits for individual repositories.

Control whether Smart Commits are enabled for new repositories:
  1. Log in to Jira as a user with administrative permissions.

  2. Go to Settings > Products > DVCS accounts.

  3. Click for the account and select Default repository settings.

  4. Check Enable Smart Commits for all repositories.

Enable or disable Smart Commits on individual repositories:
  1. Log in to Jira as a user with administrative permissions.

  2. Go to Settings > Products > DVCS accounts.

  3. Check (or clear) the Smart Commits option for a repository. 

If you're using Bitbucket Data Center, Fisheye, or Crucible

A Jira administrator can control Smart Commits for each account in the connected application (Bitbucket Data Center, Fisheye or Crucible).

Enable or disable Smart Commits on individual accounts:
  1. Log in to Jira as a user with the Jira Administrator permissions.

  2. Jira Select Application Links in the left menu.

  3. Click Smart Commits for the application.

  4. Select the checkbox for the account you want to enable Smart Commits for.

A small security note

Elevated access rights in Jira products can result from the way that Git (and Mercurial) allow commits to be attributed to a user other than the user pushing a change to the repository.

If this seems like a risk for your situation, then you should consider disabling Smart Commits in your Jira site.

Forks and Smart Commits

If you use forks in your workflow, the DVCS Connector records each repository that contains a Smart Commit message. It actually processes the Smart Commit message only the first time it encounters it. When you view the commit tab in Jira, you can see which forks include that particular commit.

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