Prevent or remove public access

In Jira Cloud, you have the option of allowing public access to certain information on your site, including issue filters and project dashboards. If you want to prevent people who aren’t logged in from viewing this information and limit access to your logged in users only, you can prevent or remove public access.

In summary, the steps to prevent and remove public access are:

  1. Turn public sharing off. Prevent your team from allowing public access to filters and dashboards from now on.

  2. Set default sharing for filters and dashboards to private. Prevent accidental granting of public access to filters and dashboards.

  3. Find and update shared filters. Remove public access to filters, if it's been granted.

  4. Find and update shared dashboards. Remove public access to dashboards, if it's been granted.

  5. Remove public access to users and groups. Revoke the Browse users and groups permission from the Anyone group, if it's been granted.

Set default sharing for filters and dashboards to private

You can set the default preference for your users to private so that they can't accidentally grant public access to dashboards or filters. The above setting will override this, but if you've chosen to allow public sharing in some circumstances this can prevent reduce risk.

To set the default sharing for filters and dashboards:

  1. Choose > System.

  2. Choose Default user preferences and select Edit default values.

  3. Set Default access to Private and choose Update.

Find and update shared filters

To find out which filters on your Jira Cloud site allow public access:

  1. Choose > System.

  2. Select Shared filters.

  3. Look for any filter that has "Shared with the public" in the Shared with column.

If no filters allow public access, you don't need to take further action on filters.

To remove public sharing:

  1. Locate the filter and choose actions () > Change Owner and set yourself as the owner.

  2. Choose the Jira icon > Filters > View all filters.

  3. Find the filter and choose actions () > Edit.

  4. Click the X icon next to "Public" and click Save.

Find and update shared dashboards

It's important to note that public sharing of a dashboard doesn't necessarily mean access to see issues in Jira Cloud. For issues to be visible, the project they're in also needs to allow public access. For example, the Jira Cloud default dashboard is shared publicly by default, but no information is visible to users who aren't logged in. 

To find out which dashboards on your Jira Cloud site allow public access:

  1. Choose > System.

  2. Select Shared Dashboards.

  3. Look for any dashboard that has "Shared with the public" in the Shared with column.

If no dashboards allow public access, you don't need to take further action on dashboards.

To remove public sharing:

  1. Locate the dashboard and choose actions () > Change Owner and set yourself as the owner.

  2. Choose the Jira icon then choose Dashboards.

  3. Select the appropriate dashboard to open it.

  4. Choose actions () > Share dashboard.

  5. Click the trash can icon next to "Shared with the public" and click Update

Remove public access to users and groups

Public access to users and groups isn't granted by default, so it'll only be allowed if a Jira admin for your site has explicitly allowed it. 

  1. Choose > System.

  2. Choose Global permissions.

  3. Find the Browse users and groups permission and check whether "Anyone, including non-registered and anonymous users" is included in the Users / Groups column on the right.

  4. Choose Delete next to that group if it appears.

Turn public sharing off

Jira Cloud has a global setting that enables or prevents public sharing of filters and dashboards. To prevent new filters and dashboards from allowing public access:

  1. Choose > System.

  2. Choose General configuration > Edit settings.

  3. Set Public sharing to OFF and choose Update.

This will prevent new dashboards and filters from allowing public access, and will also work for dashboards and filters that haven't allowed public access. It won't affect existing dashboards or filters that already allow public access. Complete the following steps to remove public access from dashboards and filters.

Before turning off public sharing, change the ownership of any relevant filters and dashboards in order to remove the share. If you try to change the ownership of a public filter or dashboard after turning off public sharing, you won't be able to modify the owner. Jira will, then, show the following message:

Dashboard and filters cannot be shared

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