We're updating our terminology in Jira

'Issue' is changing to 'work item'. You might notice some inconsistencies while this big change takes place.

Create a new plan

This page refers to the advanced planning features that are only available as part of Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise.

You can now include work items from team-managed projects in your plans!

We’re building out more support for team-managed projects. Read more about what functionality is available in our docs.

As we release improvements to team-managed project support, we’ll post updates on the feature request ticket. View the feature request ticket.


To create a new plan:

  1. From the navigation at the top of the page, go to Plans > + Create plan to open the plan creation tool.

  2. Enter these details:

    1. Plan name - This will help your team identify the plan.

    2. Access - Select Private or Open. By default, access is set to Open.

    3. Work sources - Choose which projects and boards, and filters you want to import from Jira. These will form the plan’s scope. Find out how to add or change work sources.

  3. When you're satisfied with your plan, select Create.

To trim down the number of work items in your plan, you can set exclusion rules that exclude work items based on their age, their status, work type, and whether they belong to a specific release. Read more about how to exclude work items from your plan.

If your plan uses team-managed projects, there’s some limitations that might effect how you plan. Read more about the limitations of team-managed projects in plans.

To use the capacity planning feature, you’ll need to use boards as the work sources in your plan. A board includes all of the work assigned to a team as well as their backlog to give you a complete picture of their workload. As you plan future sprints for that team, your plan takes that pre-assigned work into account and prevents you from exceeding their available capacity.

See what else you need to do to enable capacity planning.


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