Visual Studio task fails when running Bamboo as a Windows service

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All builds work fine when running the Bamboo server from the command line. However, some builds fail when Bamboo is started as a Windows Service. For example, a Visual Studio task shows this errors:

simple	24-Oct-2012 14:08:20	Starting task 'Buid using Visual Studio 2010' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.dotnet:devenv'
command	24-Oct-2012 14:08:20	Beginning to execute external process for build 'Plan Name - Default Job'\n ... running command line: \nC:\bamboo-home\DotNetSupport\devenvrunner.bat\n  C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\Proj1-Plan1-JOB1\n  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\n  x86\n  test.sln\n  /build\n  Release\n ... in: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\Proj1-Plan1-JOB1\n
error	24-Oct-2012 14:08:20	'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
error	24-Oct-2012 14:08:20	operable program or batch file.
error	24-Oct-2012 14:08:20	The process tried to write to a non

The error message might be different for other failing tasks.


This is generally caused by account permissions of the user who runs the Bamboo service. By default, Bamboo uses a SYSTEM user, and this might cause some issues.


Make sure to use a local admin user to run the Bamboo server as per Running Bamboo as a Windows service as the local user article.

After setting up, if you still see errors, please check the User PATH variable. There is a great chance you have a PATH (user environment variables) overwriting PATH (system environment variables). Remove the contents of the User PATH and, if needed, append to the System PATH (using %USERPROFILE%).

Last modified on Apr 18, 2022

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