How to remove or unlink already linked Bitbucket workspace from an organization?
Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.
Currently, once a Bitbucket workspace is linked to an organization, it cannot be unlinked or transferred to another organization. You can find the steps to link a workspace to an organization outlined here:: Link Bitbucket workspace to your organization.
When attempting to link a workspace that is already associated with another organization, you will encounter the following error:
We're unable to link this project. This product is already linked to an organization.
The linked Bitbucket workspace is included in the count of products associated with an organization. Consequently, it is not possible to delete the organization unless you first delete the Bitbucket workspace linked to it. As unlinking or transferring the Bitbucket workspace to another organization is not possible, deleting the Bitbucket workspace is the only way to delete an organization.
In case you do not wish to delete the Bitbucket workspace, contact the Atlassian Guard team to manually unlink the Bitbucket workspace from the existing organization so that the workspace can be linked to another organization.
Please note that unlinking the workspace is only possible for the older workspaces which was created directly from Bitbucket and it is not possible for the workspace created from Atlassian Administration