Bitbucket Server server not allowing SSH connections after a database migration

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The following appears in the atlassian-bitbucket.log:

2013-10-16 20:58:20,487 WARN [NioProcessor-4] Error in schema creation: Can't create table '#sql-7f7_812c8' (errno: 13); attempting to roll back last partially generated table 2013-10-16 20:58:20,611 ERROR [NioProcessor-5] Exception executing SQL update <ALTER TABLE AO_FB71B4_PUBLIC_KEY CHANGE COLUMN KEY_TEXT KEY_TEXT LONGTEXT NOT NULL> java.sql.SQLException: Can't create table '#sql-7f7_812c5' (errno: 13)


Run the following query on your Bitbucket Server database to check whether the reported table AO_FB71B4_PUBLIC_KEY is present in it:

show tables;



Bitbucket Server is unable to create the 'AO_FB71B4_PUBLIC_KEY' table, though as per the list of tables in your database, this table is already present and hence the process failing when it tries to create it again. 


To help workaround this, you can drop this table from the database. Ensure that Bitbucket Server is shut down and that you have a complete database backup prior to attempting this. The table will be automatically recreated when you restart Bitbucket Server:

drop table AO_FB71B4_PUBLIC_KEY;

Last modified on Feb 19, 2016

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