Make changes to a managed account

Which user management experience do you have?

To check, go to your organization at and select Directory. If the Users and Groups lists are found here, then you are using the centralized user management. Learn more about the centralized user management

We’ll note these changes in the support documentation below.



As an organization admin, Users is found under Directory tab.

Centralized user management png

As a site administrator or organization admin, Users is found under Product site.

Original user management png


You can edit the details of a managed account to keep it updated. To manage a user’s account, verify their domain, then claim the account. If you don’t manage an account, only the user can update the account details.

Update managed account

Customers who provision users from an identity provider

If your organization provisions users from an identity provider, you can only update their details from your identity provider.

Who can do this?
Role: Organization admin
Atlassian Cloud: All plans
Atlassian Government Cloud: Available

To update the details of a managed account:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Directory > Managed accounts.

  3. Select the user.

  4. Select the field you want to update. You may need to select Show more details to show more fields.

  5. Select the checkmark to save your changes.

Update email address

If you want to update the email address of a managed account to another email address, make sure you’ve verified the domain for the email you want to update to.

To change the email address for an account:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Directory > Managed accounts.

  3. Select a user to open the managed accounts page.

  4. Select the email address field and enter the updated email address.

You can only update an email address if the new email address also belongs to a domain you verify for your organization. If you’re unable to verify the domain, let the user know they can create a new Atlassian account with that email address.

Change the profile picture

To change a user’s profile picture:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Directory > Managed accounts.

  3. Select a user to open the managed accounts page.

  4. Hover over the profile picture, and select Change profile photo.

  5. Either drag and drop or upload the photo.

  6. Save your changes.

Manage a user’s product access

To change a user’s product access:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Directory > Managed accounts.

  3. Select a user to open the managed accounts page.

  4. The Product Access table lists the products the user can access. Select the 3 dot icon > Manage product access to open the user’s page for that product in the site administration.

From there, you can remove product access, update access for other products associated with the site, or take other actions related to the user.

Note this different way to manage product access if you have the centralized user management: for the product you want to manage access, select the 3 dot icon > Manage product access to open the user’s page in the organization’s administration. From there, you can remove product access, update access for other products associated with the organization, or take other actions related to the user.

Exclude a user from two-step verification

If your organization enforces two-step verification, you can temporarily exclude a user from being required to log in with a second step.

To exclude a user from logging in with two-step verification:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Directory > Managed accounts.

  3. Select a user to open the managed accounts page.

  4. Scroll down to the Security section.

  5. Under Two-step verification, select Exclude from two-step verification.

To learn more about what happens when you exclude users, see Enforce two-step verification.

Force a user’s device to log out

When you force a logout for browser sessions, we log users out immediately. For mobile app sessions, we can take up to an hour to log out users.

To log a user’s device out of all Atlassian services:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Directory > Managed accounts.

  3. Next to the user you want to log out, select Show details.

  4. From the Recent devices table, select Log out next to the device.

This is not a permanent action. Users can always log in with this device again.

Require a user to reset their password

To require a user to reset their password:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Directory > Managed accounts.

  3. Select a user to open the managed accounts page.

  4. Select Reset password from the top right.

Revoke a user’s API tokens

Who can do this?
Role: Organization admin
Plan: Atlassian Guard Standard

Users can create API tokens to perform authenticated operations with product APIs. How users create and use their own API tokens

To revoke an API token created by the user:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Directory > Managed accounts.

  3. Select a user to open the managed accounts page.

  4. Scroll down to the Security section.

  5. The API tokens table lists all API tokens the user created.

  6. Select Revoke next to each token.

Delete or deactivate an account

See Deactivate a managed account or Delete a managed account for more information.

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