We couldn't import Project Component - JCMA Error
Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.
Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Except Fisheye and Crucible
When trying to run the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant (JCMA) to migrate from Server to Cloud, the migration plan fails and the following message appears stating there are possible issues with the Project Component:
ERROR <Project_Key> project-import
We couldn't import Project Component <Project_Component_Name>.
Reason: name: A component with the name <Project_Component_Name> already exists in this project...
This caused <Number_of_Items> other items to fail.
This message applies to the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant (JCMA).
- From Server to Cloud
This happens because a project is using components from another project. This is not allowed in the Cloud environment.
Please make sure to follow all the steps below:
First, run this query on the Jira server database to identify which issues from the project key referenced on the logs are impacted by this problem.
select p.id project_id, (p.pkey || '-' || i.issuenum) as key, i.summary, cp.cname as comp, cp.id comp_id, cp.project comp_project from jiraissue i inner join project p on i.project = p.id inner join nodeassociation na on na.source_node_id = i.id inner join component cp on cp.id = na.sink_node_id where association_type = 'IssueComponent' and p.pkey in ('PROJECT_KEY') and p.id != cp.project;
Replace the PROJECT_KEY placeholder with the project key of the impacted project.
Having the query results, copy the "comp_id" or each of them if there's more than 1 project component on the resultant query and create a JQL (Jira Query Language) on your Jira Server as the example below:
project = <Project_Key> AND component = <comp_id_from_the_SQL_query>
This query will return the issues that belong to the project that encountered the issue and that are using a component that doesn't belong to the project in scope for the migration.
- Our recommendation is to bulk update the issues removing the component from the other project to the ones they belong to. Make sure to choose a valid component, one that belongs to the project in scope. For reference on how to bulk edit issues, please see Editing multiple issues at the same time