Get started as Confluence Cloud administrator
Get started on the things you need to know as a Confluence Cloud admin.
'Issue' is changing to 'work item'. You might notice some inconsistencies while this big change takes place.
Get started as Confluence Cloud administrator
Get started on the things you need to know as a Confluence Cloud admin.
Set Confluence-wide functionality
Set up default settings for Confluence Cloud.
Monitor and manage activity in Confluence Cloud
Confluence administrators can learn where to proactively monitor and respond to insights and events across Confluence.
Premium admin tools for Confluence Cloud
Learn about premium tools available to Confluence administrators with a Premium or Enterprise plan.
Manage global permissions in Confluence administration
Everything a Confluence admin needs to know about managing global permissions.
Manage analytics permissions in Confluence administration
What a Confluence admin needs to know about setting Confluence analytics permissions.
Manage Confluence page templates
Learn about global templates and how to administer them.
Configuration settings in Confluence Cloud
Focus on the settings and configurations you can manage in Confluence Cloud.
Security settings in Confluence Cloud
Customize security-related settings in Confluence Cloud like preventing spam or hiding links from search engines.
Look and feel settings in Confluence Cloud
Customize the look and feel of a Confluence Cloud instance to match your organization's branding.
Data management in Confluence Cloud
Review the steps needed to export and/or migrate Confluence Cloud data to a new instance or space.
Atlassian Marketplace apps
Install or uninstall add-on Atlassian Marketplace apps that extend Confluence functionality.
Confluence automation administration