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Subscribe to email notifications

To get notifications in your email and on your mobile device, you can “watch” pages, blog posts and spaces. Confluence will then send you a notification whenever anyone adds or updates content on that page or space. You get immediate emails for important notifications (like mentions and new pages), but when lots of changes are being made at the same time, you'll only receive a single email with all the changes (within a 10 minute window).

If a Confluence administrator has turned off email and push notifications, you won’t be able to override this choice. You’ll be informed of this if you try and turn on these notifications.

You can also subscribe to a daily email digest of all updates and other notifications of various updates, as described below.

Subscribing to email notifications

You can subscribe to be notified when:

  • A blog post is added or changed in a space

  • Someone you're following makes an update in a space

  • Someone follows you

You can also subscribe to:

  • A daily digest of all updates to all spaces (that you have permission to view)

To edit your personal email notification settings:

  1. Click your profile picture in the top-right of the navigation.

  2. Select Personal settings.

  3. Select Email in the left panel.

  4. Select Edit.

  5. Check or uncheck boxes to select what emails you receive.

  6. Select Submit.

Manage your mobile notification settings on your mobile device.

Here's an explanation of all the email settings.





Option: Do you want Confluence to automatically add you as a watcher on each page or blog post that you add or update? If you are a watcher of a page or a post, you will receive notification of future changes.

  • Pages and blog posts that you create, edit, or comment on.

Subscribe to daily updates

Receive a daily email report summarizing changes to content in all spaces you have permission to view.


Note: Daily updates do not include information about attachments on a page or blog post that are added, edited or deleted.

  • Summary of edit updates to pages and blog posts.

Subscribe to all blog posts

Receive email notifications for changes to blogs in your Confluence installation that you have permission to view.

  • Blog posts added, edited, or deleted.

Subscribe to network

Receive email notifications for changes to content by all users that you are following, which you have permission to view.

  • Pages being added, edited, or deleted.

  • Blog posts being added, edited, or deleted.

  • Comments being added, edited, or deleted.

Subscribe to new follower notifications

Receive an email message when anyone chooses to follow you.


Notify on my actions

Option: Do you want to receive email notifications for your own changes?

Note: If you have not subscribed to any email notifications and are not watching any pages/spaces, then selecting 'Notify on my actions' will not do anything.

  • All pages and spaces that you're watching.

  • This affects all subscriptions set.

Subscribe to a daily digest

Receive a single daily email with an overview of updates and activity in the pages and spaces you’re watching.

Subscribing to a daily digest will stop individual update emails from being sent. To resume receiving individual update emails, uncheck this box.

Daily digests do not include information about attachments on a page or blog post that are added, edited or deleted.

  • Overview and count of updates, edits, reactions, and comments added to pages and blog posts.

Show changed content

Option: Do you want your notifications to include details of the changes made to the content?

  • If you don't select this option, your notifications will include only the title of the page, and any comment the author made when updating the page.

  • If you do select this option, your notifications will show the differences between the current and previous versions of the page.

  • Edits to pages and blog posts.

Subscribe to attachment notifications

Receive an email notification when a file attachment is added to or deleted from a page you’re watching, or a page within a space you’re watching.

  • File attachment(s) added to or removed from watched pages, or pages within watched spaces.

Note for admins

Confluence administrators can turn email and push notifications on or off for their instance. Select the wheel icon () in the top-right corner to open Confluence administration. Then find Settings > Configuration and select Further configuration. Select Edit to make changes.


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