Import external documents

Easily bring existing work over to Confluence from Word, Google Docs, or OneDrive documents.

  1. To start, open a blank page by selecting Create in the top navigation (or by using the next to Pages in the sidebar). The template browser will open on the right.

  2. Select the Import tab (next to Templates).

  3. Decide which document type you want to import: Word document (.docx), Google Doc, or OneDrive.

Import content from Word docs, OneDrive, or Google Docs.

The template browser (and Import tab) will disappear as soon as you start typing. To reopen, select Templates & import doc from the more actions menu () in the upper right of the new (unpublished) page.

External documents can be imported one at a time or several at once, but there are different requirements for files imported on their own versus in bulk and may vary by document type (Word, Google Doc, or OneDrive)


Single file limit

Bulk limit

Google Doc

10 MB

Up to 30 files, 50 MB total

Each file cannot exceed 10 MB

Word document (.docx)

100 MB

Up to 30 files, 50 MB total

Each file cannot exceed 10 MB


100 MB

Up to 30 files, 50 MB total

Each file cannot exceed 10 MB

Each file imported will be its own Confluence page. When you import more than one file at a time, they are published as child pages under a restricted placeholder page (titled “Imported pages” with the date and time information). This means you can privately review the imported pages, then organize your content and set appropriate permissions.

When you import more than one file at a time, they will be created as child pages published under a restricted placeholder.

If you only import a single file, it will generate as a draft page that you can then modify and publish as you would other Confluence content.

Not all images can be be successfully imported to Confluence. If a document contains an unsupported image file, the image is replaced with placeholder text on Confluence.

We currently support importing the following image file types in documents: BMP, CUR, DDS, GIF, ICO, JPG, PNG, PSD, SVG, and WEBP.

Import OneDrive documents

  1. Select OneDrive from under Import.

  2. If you haven’t already, you’ll be prompted to connect your Microsoft account and allow importing into Confluence.

  3. Select the documents you want to import from your files and then Open. Only .docx files can be imported from OneDrive.

  4. After the documents have been successfully imported, select Finish.

Import content from OneDrive into Confluence.

Import Google Docs

  1. Select Google Doc from under Import.

  2. If you haven’t already, you’ll be prompted to connect your Google account and allow importing into Confluence.

  3. Choose the documents you want to import from your files and then Select.

  4. After the documents have been successfully imported, select Finish.

Import content from Google Docs to Confluence.

Import Word documents

If you import Word documents with shapes in them, the shapes will be replaced with placeholders in Confluence.

  1. Select Word document (.docx) from under Import.

  2. Select the documents you want to import from your files and then Open. Only Word documents with the .docx extension can be imported.

  3. After the documents have been successfully imported, select Finish.

Import content from Word docs to Confluence.

Import web content

If you have web content that you want to import into Confluence, you'll need to import it page by page. Any text with basic formatting can be pasted directly into the editor, and you can use the Widget Connector Macroto display videos, slide shows, tweets, and more.

Additional customization is available using the Confluence APIs.

Other import methods can be found in the Atlassian Marketplace:

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