Insert the panel macro

This macro was intentionally excluded from the new editor and is only available in the legacy editor.

Use the Panel macro

To add the Panel macro:

  1. When editing , select from the toolbar

  2. Find the item to be inserted and select it

  3. Select Insert

To edit the Panel macro:

  1. Select the macro placeholder.

  2. Select the Edit icon to open the configuration panel.

  3. Configure the parameters. Your changes are saved as you go.

  4. Resume editing the page, and the panel closes.

You can also select the centered , medium-width , and full-width icons to adjust the width of some macros. Select the trashcan iconto remove the macro.


Parameters are options that you can set to control what and how content from the macro appears on the page. 

If the parameter name used in Confluence Cloud storage format is different than the label used when inserting macros using the browser or the slash command, it will be listed below in brackets (example).




Panel Title


The title of the panel. If specified, this title will be displayed in its own title row.

Border Style


The style of the panel's border. Accepted values are solid, dashed and other valid CSS border styles.

Border Color


The color of the panel's border. Colors can be specified as HTML color names or hexadecimal codes.

Border Pixel Width (Value Only)


The width of the panel's border (in pixels).

Background Color


The background color of the panel. Colors can be specified as HTML color names or hexadecimal codes.

Title Background Color


The background color of the title row of the panel. Colors can be specified as HTML color names or hexadecimal codes.

Title Text Color


The color of the text in the title row of the panel. Colors can be specified as HTML color names or hexadecimal codes.

Wiki markup example

Wiki markup is useful when you need to add a macro outside the editor, for example as custom content in the sidebar, header or footer of a space.

Macro name: panel

Macro body: Accepts rich text.

{panel:title=My title|borderStyle=dashed|borderColor=blue|titleBGColor=#00a400|titleColor=white|bgColor=#72bc72} A formatted panel {panel}


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