View customers by organization
View customers by organization so you can easily add or remove them.
'Issue' is changing to 'work item'. You might notice some inconsistencies while this big change takes place.
Organizations are groups of customers that can be used in multiple service projects. When you add an organization to a project, its members can raise requests in the project and share them with the organization. They're also notified about the organization's requests and can view and search them on the requests list in the help center. This also means that the request will be shared with all the organizations members when the organization is added to the request.
With organizations in Jira Service Management, you can save time by not having to add the same customers to multiple service projects.
View customers by organization
View customers by organization so you can easily add or remove them.
Add a customer to an organization
You can add a customer to an organization and then reuse that organization for multiple service projects.
Remove a customer from an organization
If a customer doesn't belong in an organization anymore, you can remove them from it.
Remove an organization from a service project
If you no longer need an organization in your service project, you can remove them.
Add an organization to a service project
Add an organization to your service project so that you can create groups of customers.
Manage customer organizations using Jira product settings
Use email domains to automatically group customers into organizations
Automatically group customers into organizations by managing the organization's email domains.
Delete an organization from a site
If an organization is no longer needed for any of your service projects, you can remove it from your site.
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