'getGroups Errant null pointer in OSUGroupManager' Causes Duplicate User Names in the User Manager

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  1. When an LDAP user logs in or information about an LDAP user is viewed, an "Errant null pointer in OSUGroupManager" is logged. Functionality does not seem to be affected: the login is successful and the user's membership in groups is displayed.
  2. Duplication of user names in User Browser.

The following error appears in the logs:

[user.impl.osuser.OSUGroupManager] getGroups Errant null pointer in OSUGroupManager
- url: /admin/users/viewuser.action | userName: admin | action: viewuser
at com.opensymphony.user.provider.hibernate.HibernateAccessProvider.listGroupsContainingUser(HibernateAccessProvider.java:138)
at bucket.user.providers.ChainedAccessProvider.listGroupsContainingUser(ChainedAccessProvider.java:44)
at com.atlassian.user.impl.osuser.OSUGroupManager.getGroups(OSUGroupManager.java:210)
at com.atlassian.user.impl.delegation.DelegatingGroupManagerTemplate.getGroups(DelegatingGroupManagerTemplate.java:57)
at bucket.user.DefaultUserAccessor.getGroups(DefaultUserAccessor.java:448)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor180.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)


Check atlassian-user.xml for repositories and ordering. The LDAP should come first and the hibernate tag second:

<hibernate name="Hibernate Repository" key="hibernateRepository"  description="Hibernate Repository" />

There should be no osuser tag:

<osuser key="osuserRepository" name="OSUser Repository"/>


The OSUser repository, left uncommented at the top of the atlassian-user.xml file, will take precedence over the LDAP and Hibernate repository and cause triplicate users in the user browser.


Remove the OSUser repository line from atlassian-user.xml.

Last modified on Mar 30, 2016

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