How to query User Activity via SQL

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This query will allow you to pull the User Activity in Confluence as seen in the Activity tab of a user's profile.


  • You can run the below query against the database. Replace both instances of <username> in the below query with your user's exact username.

    select contenttype,title,creationdate,lastmoddate,pageid,spaceid 
    from content
    where creator = (select user_key from user_mapping where username = '<username>') or lastmodifier = (select user_key from user_mapping where username = '<username>');

    or to obtain this data for all users along with creation date, you can use something like:

    select c.contenttype, c.title, c.creationdate, c.lastmoddate, c.pageid, c.spaceid, u.username as "last change made by"
    from content c
    JOIN user_mapping u ON c.creator = u.user_key
    where creator IN (select user_key from user_mapping) or lastmodifier IN (select user_key from user_mapping) 
    group by c.contenttype, c.title, c.creationdate, c.lastmoddate, c.pageid, c.spaceid, u.username
    order by c.lastmoddate DESC;

DescriptionHow to query the database for user activity

Last modified on Aug 29, 2023

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