Page Restrictions Dialog Renders Blank or Doesn't Pop up at All

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Either you've recently upgraded or not, if you're on Confluence 3.3 or above:

  1. In some cases, clicking the padlock icon or accessing the Restrictions does not yield anything. No pop-up, no error. 
    Firebug or Chrome Developer tools shows 403 on getpagepermissions.action when clicking on the Tools >> Restrictions.
  2. The page restrictions dialog box renders blank. The title is 'page.perms.dialog.heading' instead of 'Page Restrictions':


There is a custom Page Layout set either at the space level or global level. Specifically, the custom layout does not include this line of code, which is introduced since Confluence 3.3:



Ensure that the line of code above exists in the custom layout. For example:

<div id="content" class="page $!mode">


Alternatively, revert the custom layout to default:

  1. Copy the custom Page Layout for backup purposes
  2. Reset the Page Layout to default













Last modified on Feb 23, 2016

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