Powerpoint file (PPTX) is not displayed
After attaching and embedding Powerpoint File (PPTX) in a Confluence, the page doesn't display or render the slides. This happens to some of the Powerpoint Files and affecting all users.
The following appears in the atlassian-confluence.log
2014-04-22 12:35:33,475 WARN [http-80-65] [com.benryan.conversion.PPTSlideServlet] doGet Conversion task timed out for attachment : File.pptx with page number 1, waited : 300, now executing in background.
-- url: /plugins/servlet/pptslide | userName: user | referer: http://localhost:8090/viewpage.action?pageId=39651776
The WARN above is shown when Confluence cannot render a slide of PPTX within 300 milliseconds. PPTX Files are only supported in Confluence 5.6 or greater, and will fail to render.
Delete the PPTX attachments, convert them to PPT (Office 2007) and reupload
Last modified on Mar 30, 2016
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