Retrieving Confluence Analytics information directly from the Database

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Platform Notice: Data Center Only - This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Data Center platform.

Note that this KB was created for the Data Center version of the product. Data Center KBs for non-Data-Center-specific features may also work for Server versions of the product, however they have not been tested. Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


It can be useful to retrieve content analytics data directly from the database in case you want to inspect or manipulate the information externally.

In this KB, we provide multiple examples of information you may want to extract from the database; such as identifying how many times a page has been viewed recently, the most recent date a page was viewed or which actions have been taken on a page, among others. 


Please refer to our KBs Confluence Analytics Data Model and Confluence Data Model for a full understanding of the DB tables used by Confluence

  • To retrieve all Analytics events

  • Filtering by a specific type event, the NAME  column can be used, as the example below: 

    Click here for the list of unique event names
    • page_viewed
    • page_created
    • page_updated
    • page_removed
    • page_trashed
    • page_restored
    • blog_viewed
    • blog_created
    • blog_updated
    • blog_removed
    • blog_trashed
    • blog_restored
    • comment_removed
    • comment_created
    • comment_updated
    • attachment_viewed
    • attachment_created
    • attachment_updated
    • attachment_removed
    select * from "AO_7B47A5_EVENT" where "NAME" = 'page_viewed';
  • Example of filtering page views per user on a space, replace space key and event name accordingly:

    FROM "AO_7B47A5_EVENT" ev
    JOIN user_mapping um ON ev."USER_KEY" = um.user_key
    WHERE ev."NAME" = 'page_viewed' and ev."SPACE_KEY" = 'TEST'
    GROUP BY um.username, ev."NAME", ev."SPACE_KEY";
  • Getting total page views per space:

    FROM "AO_7B47A5_EVENT" 
    WHERE "NAME" = 'page_viewed' AND "SPACE_KEY" = 'TEST'
  • Getting total views and last viewed date per page:

    SELECT count (*) as "TOTAL_VIEWS_PER_PAGE", c.title AS "PAGE_TITLE", s.spacename AS "SPACE_NAME", s.spacekey AS "SPACE_KEY",
    max(to_timestamp(aoe."EVENT_AT" / 1000)::timestamp) AS "LATEST_VIEWEDTIME", c.contentid AS "CONTENT_ID"
    FROM "AO_7B47A5_EVENT" aoe
    JOIN content c ON aoe."CONTENT_ID" = c.contentid
    JOIN spaces s ON c.spaceid = s.spaceid
    JOIN user_mapping um ON aoe."USER_KEY" = um.user_key 
    WHERE aoe."NAME" = 'page_viewed' AND c.prevver is null  AND c.CONTENT_STATUS = 'current'
    GROUP BY aoe."CONTENT_ID", c.spaceid, c.title, s.spacename, c.contentid, s.spacekey
    ORDER BY s.spacename;
  • Fetching total page views per space in a given period of time (replace date range accordingly):

    FROM "AO_7B47A5_EVENT" 
    WHERE "NAME" = 'page_viewed' AND "SPACE_KEY" = 'TEST' AND to_timestamp("EVENT_AT" / 1000)::date > '2022-07-01'
  • To fetch details about the latest view date, and total view count, for each content in a space:

    SELECT count(ev."ID") AS Total_page_views,max(to_timestamp(ev."EVENT_AT" / 1000)::timestamp) AS latest_viewedtime, um.username, ev."NAME" as EVENT_NAME, ev."SPACE_KEY", ev."CONTENT_ID" from "AO_7B47A5_EVENT" ev 
    JOIN user_mapping um ON ev."USER_KEY" = um.user_key 
    JOIN content ON content.contentid=ev."CONTENT_ID" 
    WHERE ev."NAME" = 'page_viewed' AND content.prevver IS NULL AND ev."SPACE_KEY" = '<insert_space_key>' 
    GROUP BY um.username, ev."NAME", ev."SPACE_KEY",ev."CONTENT_ID";

Data Retention job History

Confluence Analytics has two data retention strategies to contain its footprint on the database, more details here. To check the execution history of those jobs, we can use the following queries:

  1. Data retention period (deletion based on date):

    SELECT * FROM scheduler_run_details WHERE job_id = '';
  2. Event retention (deletion based on event count):

    SELECT * FROM scheduler_run_details where job_id like 'AnalyticsForConfluence.EventLimiter';

Last modified on Sep 2, 2024

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