Unable to Change Site Logo in Confluence

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When trying to upload a logo, an error message appears on the page that states 'There were errors uploading this logo. There is more information in the logs.'


The following appears in the atlassian-confluence.log:

2014-10-03 23:34:12,198 ERROR [http-bio-443-exec-15] [confluence.plugins.lookandfeel.EditSiteLogoAction] doUpload 
There were errors uploading this logo. There is more information in the logs. -- url: /admin/sitelogo/upload.action 
| userName: amit.rajwani | referer: https://confluence.transerainc.com/admin/sitelogo/view-sitelogo.action | 
action: upload java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Content must not be null


This query will return an empty set (nothing) if there is nothing defined for the global description:

select * from CONTENT where contenttype = 'GLOBALDESCRIPTION';


The database has no content for the global description so Confluence is referencing a NULL value.


Run the following on your Confluence database to insert a placeholder for the global description:

PARENTCOMMENTID,USERNAME) VALUES (999999,'GLOBALDESCRIPTION',NULL,1,NULL,'2009-01-01 00:00:00',NULL,'2009-01-01 00:00:00',NULL,NULL,
  • Please Note: The above script was written in MySQL format. Please adjust the script to match your database type

    • The contentid in the example is set to 999999. This can be adjusted as long as it is a unique content id in your database. Please set it to any number high enough to be unique.

Last modified on Dec 27, 2019

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