Unable To Move Attachments To Another Page In Another Space (You cannot move the attachment to a page that does not exist. Pages to which you are moving attachments must first be created in the selected space)

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Attempting to move attachments to a different page in a different space results in the following error:

You cannot move the attachment to a page that does not exist. Pages to which you are moving attachments must first be created in the selected space


Diagnostic Steps

  • Try to move the attachment to another page within the same space, if this works, then this KB is applicable in your case, and you can proceed to the Resolution section below
  • Try to move a different attachment to another page in a different space, If this works, then this KB may not be applicable, and the issue may be caused by a proxy configuration, or a variety of other causes, such as missing attachment, etc (check logs)


There are no spacekey specified in the destination Page textbox. 


  1. Identify the spacekey of the target space where you are moving the attachment to, and verify that the page name is accurate
  2. Enter the following into the Page textbox (in the attachment's Properties):


    Where <spaceKey> is the target space's SpaceKey, and <PageTitle> is the target page's Page Title

Last modified on Feb 26, 2016

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