How to list users who are counted towards the Crowd License
Crowd only shows the number of users counting towards the license; However, it does not show the username of the users who are actually counted towards the license.
In order to list all the users that counts towards the license in Crowd 3.1.3 or newer please enable following log in DEBUG level and recalculate your user total:
The license count, list of users (and the directory those users are from) will be displayed in log files.
2018-03-28 07:12:15,789 Caesium-2-2 DEBUG [crowd.manager.license.CrowdLicenseManagerImpl] Finished counting licensed users, 9 total
2018-03-28 07:12:15,790 Caesium-2-2 DEBUG [crowd.manager.license.CrowdLicenseManagerImpl] Licensed users are: [leela (131074), professor (131074), test (753665), zoidberg (131074), admin (131073), hermes (131074), bender (131074), amy (131074), fry (131074)]
For Crowd versions lower than 3.1.3, please follow the instructions listed below.
Versions pre 3.1.3
Before Crowd 2.11, a user that existed in more than one directory was counted multiple times (once per directory). However, due to the implementation of CWD-4735 - Crowd license count same user in different directory as only 1 user license., since Crowd 2.11 this scenario only counts the user once.
Having said that, please run the database query below according to your Crowd version to list the usernames that count against the license.
If running Crowd 2.11 or newer:
Note that this query will not count users that belong to a directory that has Caching Disabled. See more about this configuration setting here: Configuring Caching for an LDAP Directory
If running Crowd 2.11 or newer and have nested memberships:
Note that this query will only count 5 levels of nesting memberships (Parent group + 5 levels of child groups). Modify the query accordingly if you need more levels.
Note that this query will not count users that belong to a directory that has Caching Disabled. See more about this configuration setting here: Configuring Caching for an LDAP Directory
If running Crowd older than 2.11:
If you're running a Crowd version older than 2.7.3, please mind this bug: CWD-3997 - Disabled applications still counting under "Current Users" total.
This query for Crowd older than 2.11 will not include users in Nested Groups.