Let's assume that you are managing a project or team. You would like to connect your project's Confluence space with your JIRA project, and link up your team's source repository too.

When you have connected your applications via Application Links, you can also connect the areas of those applications that contain information relating to your project or team. Using project links (also called entity links) you can associate one or more projects, spaces and repositories across the linked applications.

To connect all the information relating to the project or team that you are managing, you can link one or more of the following:

  • JIRA projects.
  • Confluence spaces.
  • FishEye repositories.
  • FishEye projects. A FishEye 'project' is the Crucible project if you have installed FishEye and Crucible, otherwise it is the paths associated via the 'FishEye Project Content' function in FishEye.
  • Crucible projects.
  • Bamboo projects.

    Note, we do not recommend the use of project links with FishEye 2.9 and later, if you have JIRA 5.0 or later as well as the latest version of the JIRA FishEye Plugin. This is because application links now provide all of the functionality previously available with project links. However, project links are retained in FishEye and Crucible for the following reasons:

    • Setting up project links provides a way to restrict the scope of JIRA searches, which can provide performance benefits.
    • Legacy configurations can continue to use project links without any need for changes.
    • Third-party plugins may continue to rely on project links for their functionality.
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