I'm not sure if you saw the news from our blogs yesterday, but we announced the acquisition of Authentisoft
on Thursday. Finding a good single sign-on solution has been a goal for many organisations looking to simplify
user management. Bringing in Authentisoft, a company that creates IDX, a single sign-on Java EE solution, will help
address these organisation's SSO needs.

Over the next few months, we'll be working on the application to make it more Atlassian-like, however today IDX is
fully-functional and works natively with JIRA and Confluence.

We're even happier to announce that Justen Stepka, one of Authentisoft's founders and senior developer extraordinaire,
is moving to Sydney to continue developing IDX full-time. We invite you to read the full press release and check out
Authentisoft yourselves. Stay tuned for additional announcements over the next few months.

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