Bitbucket Cloud Search Doesn't Show Expected Results
Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.
Sometimes, one may encounter issues with code search where the search results are empty and do not show the relevant files or text.
The issue could have been caused due to different reasons. Please check for the following code search considerations due to which you may not be getting the expected search result.
- Search uses the main branch in a repository.
- We index files smaller than 320 KB – you won't see search results from larger files.
- Wildcard searches (e.g. qu?ck buil*) are not supported.
- We strip the following characters from search terms: !"#$%&'()*+,/;:<=>?@[]^`{|}~-
- Regular expressions are not supported in queries.
- Case is not preserved (but search operators must be in ALL CAPS).
- Queries can have up to 9 expressions (i.e. combinations of terms and operators).
- Queries can be up to 250 characters in length.
- We make sure that you only see the code you have permission to view in search results.
If the above considerations are already met and the files or code being searched are present, but you still experience empty or unexpected code search results, please reach out to Bitbucket cloud support team for further investigation of the issue. Sometimes, we may need to reindex the broken code search to restore the functionality. There could be other reasons impacting the search, which they can identify and provide a solution for the issue.