Differences between Bitbucket pipelines status from UI and API results
Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.
This document aims to understand the difference between pipeline status displayed in the bitbucket UI vs pipeline state/result fetched from public Bitbucket APIs.
The pipeline statuses which are displayed in the Bitbucket UI are explained in the following document https://support.atlassian.com/bitbucket-cloud/docs/view-your-pipeline/.
The pipeline statuses can be fetched using Bitbucket API, but the API results are slightly different from what is displayed in the Bitbucket UI.
The following table shows the difference between Bitbucket UI pipeline status and pipeline state/result from API:
Pipeline status in Bitbucket UI | Pipeline state/result from Bitbucket API | Explanation of the status |
Pending | state: pending, result: null | We are setting up your build containers, getting ready to start. |
In progress | state: in_progress, result: null | Your pipeline is currently running. |
Stopped | state: completed, result: stopped | Either manually, or due to a system event. |
Paused | state: in_progress, result: null | Your deployment pipeline is currently paused because another pipeline is deploying. |
Successful | state: completed, result: successful | Everything went well! |
Successful | state: in_progress, result: null | All automatic steps have ran successfully but there is a manual step still waiting. |
Failed | state: completed, result: failed | A step within your pipeline failed. |
Error | state: completed, result: failed | An error with your pipeline (for example a misconfigured bitbucket-pipelines.yml file). |
System error | state: completed, result: failed | Something on our end went wrong (sorry!) |