Global options
Global pipeline options for Bitbucket Pipelines
This page, and its subpages, detail all the available options and properties for configuring your Bitbucket Pipelines bitbucket-pipelines.yml
. The options and properties have been grouped based on where they can be used in the bitbucket-pipelines.yml
configuration file, such as:
Global options page
Git clone behavior page
Cache and service container definitions page
Docker image options page
Pipeline start options page
Parallel step options page
Stage options page
Step options page
This guide does not cover using YAML anchors to create reusable components to avoid duplication in your pipeline file. For details, see YAML anchors.
Global options
Global pipeline options for Bitbucket Pipelines
Git clone behavior
Options for controlling the Git clone behavior of Bitbucket Pipelines
Cache, service container, and export pipelines definitions
Create dependency caches and service containers, such as database services
Docker image options
Use custom Docker images in your Bitbucket Pipeline
Pipeline start conditions
Set the start conditions or triggers for running your Bitbucket Pipelines
Parallel step options
Run multiple pipeline steps at the same time
Stage options
Group steps into stages or create multi-step deployment stages
Step options
Define and customize your pipeline steps
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