Adding an additional logger for troubleshooting the Atlassian Bitbucket Integration plugin
If you encounter an issue with our official Atlassian Bitbucket Integration plugin and can not find any errors in the Bitbucket logs, you might need to add an additional logger in Jenkins, to be able to fully troubleshoot the problem.
To add it, please:
Go to Manage Jenkins -> System Log -> Log Recorders.
Click ‘Add new log recorder’
Configure it for com.atlassian and save:
WARNING: Setting the log level to ALL might produce very verbose output causing Jenkins performance issues. Please set up the level accordingly.
Push a new commit to a repo in Bitbucket that we’d expect to trigger a build in Jenkins.
Go to ‘Log records’ in your new logger, and check for any ERROR messages.
A sample output for a successfully configured plugin:
Jan 06, 2021 7:33:30 PM FINE com.atlassian.bitbucket.jenkins.internal.http.HttpRequestExecutorImpl
Bitbucket - call successful
Jan 06, 2021 7:33:30 PM INFO com.atlassian.bitbucket.jenkins.internal.trigger.register.BitbucketWebhookHandler lambda$findSame$5
Found an existing webhook - {"id":6,"name":"ab88e816a6f116eb52532ef921bfc7deedb48e8b","url":"http:\/\/macos:8080\/bitbucket-server-webhook\/trigger","events":["repo:refs_changed"],"active":true}
Jan 06, 2021 7:33:30 PM INFO com.atlassian.bitbucket.jenkins.internal.trigger.BitbucketWebhookTriggerImpl$BitbucketWebhookTriggerDescriptor registerWebhook
Webhook returned -{"id":6,"name":"ab88e816a6f116eb52532ef921bfc7deedb48e8b","url":"http:\/\/macos:8080\/bitbucket-server-webhook\/trigger","events":["repo:refs_changed"],"active":true}
Jan 06, 2021 7:33:30 PM FINE com.atlassian.bitbucket.jenkins.internal.http.HttpRequestExecutorImpl
Bitbucket - call successful
If you’re still not able to spot any issue or resolve it, please contact support.