Bitbucket process dies unexpectedly due to Linux OOM killer

Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


Bitbucket does not terminate its own process unless a is executed which writes shutdown messages to the log. An unexpected process termination clearly indicates the work of an external entity. Some examples include:

  • kill -9 (user-triggered or via script) 
  • Linux OOM killer

This KB article focuses on the Linux OOM killer, which is a feature on some Linux installations that will sacrifice processes to free up memory if the operating system experiences memory exhaustion for its own operations.  Please note that this is different from Bitbucket running out of memory. In this case, the OS itself is in danger of running out of memory and thus starts terminating processes to avoid it. 

If Bitbucket is shut down correctly, this is an example log from Bitbucket shutting down. If this log exists, Bitbucket was most likely shut down using the command, and this article may not apply. 

2024-10-15 08:55:05,093 INFO  [SpringApplicationShutdownHook]  c.a.b.i.boot.log.BuildInfoLogger Bitbucket 9.2.1 has shut down

However, if a Bitbucket Admin says that the application wasn't manually stopped, it could mean that the system's OOM killer might have still been involved. To find out what really happened, you'll need to check the OS system logs. 


In the case of the OOM killer, the possible resolutions would be to:

  • Increase the amount of memory available on the host machine itself.

  • Decrease the amount of memory allocated to Bitbucket or competing processes on the machine.
  • Migrate other applications to another system.
  • If the heaviest consumers are Git processes, ensure appropriate tuning is carried out for the throttling sub-system.

(info) For additional info on how the OOM killer operates, please see:


If the OOM killer keeps getting activated, monitoring has to be put in place so that the problem can be diagnosed further. The output of the following commands should be retrieved when memory usage is unusually high.

# Display the amount of free and used memory in the system, in megabytes. 
free -m

# Display the system's processes sorted by resident memory usage (top 20)
top -bn1 -oRES -w 500 | head -n 20

# Display processes sorted by their resident set size (RSS) in descending order
ps -eo pid,user:20,rss,ppid,pri,ni,vsize,pcpu,pmem,time,command --sort=-rss

# If the heavy consumer is a git process, run the pwdx command to find the repository path. Get the size of the repository.
# Git processes such as git pack-objects and git repack on large repositories may consume a huge amount of memory.
pwdx <pid>
cd <repo-path>
git count-objects -v --human-readable


The way to mitigate this type issue is to Add Swap Space to the system.  This will keep Bitbucket from crashing while working on the resolution.  This will have performance impacts on Bitbucket so this should only be used to prevent a full outage for Bitbucket. 

  • Decide where on the disk there is available space.  This example will put the swap space in the root user's home directory.

  • Create a file on the local disk.  This is an example of 2G swap file: 

    dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/myswapfile bs=1M count=2048
  • Change the permission of the swap file so that only root can access it. 

    chmod 600 /root/myswapfile
  • Make and enable this file as a swap file using mkswap command.

    mkswap /root/myswapfile
    swapon /root/myswapfile
  • Verify whether the newly created swap area is available for your use. 

    swapon -s



  • Bitbucket is installed on a Linux host.
  • The entire Bitbucket process suddenly terminates without warning. That is to say, the process ID (pid) is no longer running and there is no log message as the example above.
  • The browser shows a generic "cannot connect" or similar error, indicating that it is not able to reach the webpage.
  • Nothing out of the ordinary appears in the Bitbucket application logs ($BITBUCKET_HOME/logs/atlassian-bitbucket.log), since the application was terminated without properly shutting down.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Use dmesg and search for lines around killed process.
    • dmesg -T | grep -C 5 -i “killed process”
  • /var/log/ directory for the syslog or messages, and locate the timestamps spanning the approximate time when the process was terminated.  If you see entries similar to the following, then you know the process was a victim of the OOM-Killer:

    • May 28 11:29:48 Bitbucket01 kernel: Out of memory: Kill process 1386 (java) score 358 or sacrifice
      May 28 11:29:48 Bitbucket01 kernel: Killed process 5388, UID 4048, (java) total-vm:1331564kB, anon
      May 28 11:29:51 Bitbucket01 kernel: java invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x200da, order=0, oom_adj=0,
  • Sometimes, a secondary process started by Bitbucket, like Git, might be terminated by the system's out-of-memory killer when the system runs out of memory. After this happens, Bitbucket itself is then stopped in an orderly manner by the oom-reaper.
    • Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: oom-kill:constraint=CONSTRAINT_NONE,nodemask=(null),cpuset=/,mems_allowed=0,global_oom,task_memcg=/system.slice/bitbucket.service,task=git,pid=8846,uid=501
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: Out of memory: Killed process 8846 (git) total-vm:45875804kB, anon-rss:42999636kB, file-rss:872kB, shmem-rss:0kB, UID:501 pgtables:85704kB oom_score_adj:0
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 systemd[1]: bitbucket.service: A process of this unit has been killed by the OOM killer.
      Sep 10 00:03:12 Bitbucket01 kernel: oom_reaper: reaped process 8846 (git), now anon-rss:0kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:0kB
      Sep 10 00:03:20 Bitbucket01[44720]: Stopping Atlassian Bitbucket as the current user
      Sep 10 00:03:20 Bitbucket01[48187]: Stopping Bitbucket webapp
      Sep 10 00:04:01 Bitbucket01[48187]: The Bitbucket webapp did not stop in time
      Sep 10 00:04:01 Bitbucket01[48187]: Check /var/atlassian/application-data/bitbucket/log/launcher.log for a thread dump
      Sep 10 00:04:01 Bitbucket01[48187]: Killing Bitbucket webapp
  • The kernel logs include detailed information about the state of the tasks (processes) that were running at the time. This information includes memory usage values, often represented in pages. Each page generally corresponds to a fixed amount of memory, typically 4 KB on many systems.
    • Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: Tasks state (memory values in pages):
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [  pid  ]   uid  tgid total_vm      rss pgtables_bytes swapents oom_score_adj name
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [    997]     0   997    63229    49825   536576        0          -250 systemd-journal
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1226]    32  1226     3312      720    61440        0             0 rpcbind
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1227]     0  1227    23548     1053    77824        0         -1000 auditd
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1229]     0  1229      756      360    45056        0             0 audisp-syslog
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1251]    81  1251     2699      720    61440        0          -900 dbus-broker-lau
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1253]    81  1253     1315      576    49152        0          -900 dbus-broker
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1257]     0  1257    32674     6912   159744        0             0 firewalld
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1258]     0  1258    19806     1102    57344        0             0 irqbalance
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1259]   990  1259     1265      360    49152        0             0 lsmd
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1260]     2  1260    78179     2006   114688        0             0 rngd
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1262]     0  1262     5410      864    86016        0             0 systemd-logind
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1269]     0  1269   918250    66693  1081344        0             0 ampdaemon
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1271]   996  1271     3300      653    65536        0             0 chronyd
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1281]     0  1281    39409     1483    77824        0             0 ampcreport
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1283]     0  1283    65052     2387   139264        0             0 NetworkManager
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1353]     0  1353    30132     1409    94208        0             0 gssproxy
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1354]     0  1354     4516      936    73728        0         -1000 sshd
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1360]     0  1360   267413     3155   229376        0             0 TaniumClient
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1361]     0  1361    64670     4606   135168        0             0 tuned
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1384]     0  1384     4615     1123    73728        0             0 rpc.gssd
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1430]     0  1430    42883     3689   319488        0             0 adclient
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1431]     0  1431    21783     1388    86016        0             0 cdcwatch
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1648]   998  1648   744769     2740   245760        0             0 polkitd
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1753]     0  1753    10119      864    86016        0             0 master
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1776]    89  1776    10139      864    81920        0             0 qmgr
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1796]     0  1796     1395      720    49152        0             0 dhclient
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1925]     0  1925   960667    14060   757760        0             0 metricbeat
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1946]     0  1946   129264    17181   499712        0             0 rsyslogd
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   2061]    29  2061     2436      387    53248        0             0 rpc.statd
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   2183]     0  2183    16498     3649   139264        0             0 ds_agent
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   2184]     0  2184   390403   179785  2502656        0             0 ds_agent
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   2349]     0  2349     1757      432    49152        0             0 atd
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   2350]     0  2350     2728      792    69632        0             0 crond
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   2351]     0  2351      761      360    40960        0             0 agetty
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   2353]     0  2353     1403      432    49152        0             0 agetty
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   2404]     0  2404     3485      757    65536        0             0 mgsusageag
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   2405]     0  2405     1931     1306    49152        0             0 ndtask
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   2610]     0  2610   309231     3030   118784        0             0 fnms-docker-mon
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   3942]     0  3942     7928      815   114688        0             0 ds_am
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   6111]     0  6111   585574     5670   323584        0             0 dsa-connect
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   6131]     0  6131   678299     7796   376832        0             0 dsa-connect
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   6992]   498  6992    46365     5881   135168        0             0 ampscansvc
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [  37240] 39520 37240     5231     1152    77824        0           100 systemd
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [  37243] 39520 37243    44332     1588   110592        0           100 (sd-pam)
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [  40863]   501 40863  7699619  4423665 49029120        0             0 java
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [  42584]   501 42584  4097606   737671 22220800        0             0 java
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [1245347]   499 1245347     2313      576    57344        0             0 uuidd
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [1005312]     0 1005312   113176    63582   819200        0             0 splunkd
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [1005317]     0 1005317    31290     4078   131072        0             0 splunkd
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [2499694]    89 2499694    11510     1080    94208        0             0 tlsmgr
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [ 364704]     0 364704   181489     3631   122880        0             0 tm_netagent
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [ 364725]     0 364725   185283     7357   196608        0             0 tm_netagent
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [1231817]     0 1231817     1636      504    57344        0             0 TPython
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [1231826]     0 1231826     1636      432    53248        0             0 python
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [1231831]     0 1231831    32877    25380   331776        0             0 pybin
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [2057921]     0 2057921  1436645    25020   757760        0             0 telegraf
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [2522310]     0 2522310  1915813    87588  1634304        0             0 ds_am
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [2542797]     0 2542797     8788     1138    86016        0         -1000 systemd-udevd
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [ 918554]     0 918554   194858     3671   221184        0             0 TaniumCX
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [ 918790]     0 918790  1146618    17645   741376        0             0 TaniumTSDB
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [ 918856]     0 918856     1636      504    57344        0             0 TPython
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [ 918870]     0 918870     1636      504    53248        0             0 python
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [ 918873]     0 918873    22733    15252   233472        0             0 pybin
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [ 935500]     0 935500   170968    11551   262144        0             0 TaniumClient
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [3465694]    89 3465694    10128      648    81920        0             0 pickup
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1644]     0  1644     2728      536    65536        0             0 crond
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1650]     0  1650     1781      432    57344        0             0 sh
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   1681]     0  1681     1782      576    61440        0             0 CW_FS_MEM_monit
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   5284]     0  5284   185713    37824   802816        0             0 fluent-bit
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   8828]   501  8828     1565      504    45056        0             0 git
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   8830]   501  8830     1202      432    45056        0             0 git-http-backen
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   8832]   501  8832     3026      576    57344        0             0 git
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   8844]   501  8844      184        0    40960        0             0 pack-objects
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [   8846]   501  8846 11468951 10750127 87760896        0             0 git
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [  18496]     0 18496     2728      536    65536        0             0 crond
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [  18500]     0 18500     1782      576    69632        0             0 run-parts
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [  18584]     0 18584     1781      504    57344        0             0 ciscoampconnect
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [  18585]     0 18585     1636      360    45056        0             0 sed
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [  18587]     0 18587     1396      360    49152        0             0 sleep
      Sep 10 00:03:11 Bitbucket01 kernel: [  44607]     0 44607     9803     7704   122880        0             0 mon-put-instanc
      • Store these lines into a file, such as processes.log and run the following command to capture the total memory consumed by Git processes. Git processes are the heaviest consumers of system-memory.
      • cat processes.log | awk 'BEGIN {sum=0} /git/ {sum+=$10} END {print sum*4/1024/1024, "GB"}'
        Result: 43.7727 GB
      • In the above example, 43.77 GB of system memory was used by Git processes. Check if this is a reasonable usage in your Bitbucket application.
      • If Git memory usage is low, review the other processes and locate the ones with the highest rss value. 


The Linux system experiences memory exhaustion for its own operations.  In an attempt to save the system from crashing, Linux will kill process to free memory to continue running.

Feature Requests

These feature requests will help reduce the likelihood of the issue happening and also help you monitor Bitbucket Data Center better.

DescriptionBitbucket becomes unresponsive. Application just stops.
ProductBitbucket, Bitbucket Server, Bitbucket Data Center

Last modified on Feb 20, 2025

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