How to fix duplicate entries in Bitbucket PostgreSQL database

Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible



Due to unique constraint violation in Postgres, duplicate records could exists in Bitbucket database tables such as sta_normal_user, project, & plugin_setting.

This will result in a user who no longer exists been assigned as a default reviewer when creating a pull-request.


Bitbucket 7.17.4


  1. The sta_normal_user table  has duplicate entry of the user. The entry has different user_id & slug , but the same name

  2. Duplicates are found in other tables such as project and plugin_setting table.


This seems to have occurred due to the bug causing unique constraint violation in Postgres due to OS upgrade.


If you are unsure how to deal with the database, contact your DBA. Make sure to have the database backed up completely before going further. These SQL commands were tested in some environments and they worked as intended.

This solution is only for sta_normal_user, project, & plugin_setting tables. DO NOT USE this for other tables.

Step 1:

  1. Set up a test instance.
  2. Get all the users who are duplicated, in ascending order (older users first) of their user_id using the query below:

    SELECT * from sta_normal_user where name in (SELECT (
    from sta_normal_user
    HAVING count(*) > 1) ORDER by user_id;
  3. Locate the duplicated users which you no longer require. For example, if the  first 17 users  seem to be the old users, rename the username which are duplicate entries with the query below:

    UPDATE sta_normal_user
            name = slug || '.dis',
            slug = slug || '.dis'
    where user_id in 
    (SELECT user_id from sta_normal_user where name in (SELECT (
    from sta_normal_user
    HAVING count(*) > 1) ORDER by user_id limit 17)

The above query would fix the duplicates for the sta_normal_user table .

Step 2:

We still need to fix the duplicate entries for the table project  and plugin_setting tables.

  1. To find the duplicates of project  table run the below query:

    select *
    from project pr
    where (select count(*)
           from project inr
           where = > 1
    ORDER by name;
  2. Select the id of the duplicate project and delete it using the query below:

    DELETE FROM public.project WHERE id = project_id

    The project_id  is gotten from the query in step 1.

  3. To find the duplicates on the plugin_setting table run the query below:

    select *
    from plugin_setting pr
    where (select count(*)
           from plugin_setting inr
           where inr.key_name = pr.key_name) > 1
    ORDER by key_name;

  4. To delete the duplicate entries execute the command below for all the entries: 

    DELETE FROM plugin_setting WHERE id = plugin_setting_id

    The plugin_setting_id  is gotten from the query in step 3.

Step 3:

  1. Reindex all the tables using the command below: 

    REINDEX TABLE sta_normal_user;
    REINDEX TABLE project;
    REINDEX TABLE plugin_setting;
  2. Confirm if all duplicates are removed and your instance is fully functional.
  3. Perform the same steps on your production instance.

Last modified on Feb 7, 2024

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