Edit Files
You can edit any file attached to a Confluence page using your preferred desktop application, then save the file back to Confluence automatically. You can edit Office documents, Photoshop files, Keynote presentations — any attached file with a compatible application installed on your computer.
To edit a file you'll need the 'Add Attachments' space permission.
This feature is available in Confluence 6.11 or later. Using an earlier version? You can still edit Microsoft Office documents or upload your files manually. See our guide to managing files.
Edit an attached file
To edit files, you'll need to install the Atlassian Companion app and allow it to connect to your Confluence site. Once the Companion app is installed and running, you can start editing.
To edit a file in Confluence:
- Go to the page containing the attached file.
- Click the file to open it in preview.
- Click Edit with.
- Select the application in which you want to edit your file.
- Make your changes and then save your file in the desktop application.
- In Confluence, click Upload to confirm you want to save the edited file as a new version.
Screenshot: 'Edit with' option in file preview
Screenshot: uploading an edited file in Confluence
Other ways to edit files
You can also edit a file from the attachments page.
To edit a file from the attachments page:
- Go to the page that contains the attached file.
- Go to > Attachments
- Click the filename to open it in preview.
- Click Edit with and follow the instructions above to edit and save your changes.
Install and connect the Atlassian Companion app
The Atlassian Companion app manages the download and re-upload of files you edit in Confluence.
The first time you edit a file, you'll be prompted to install the Companion app and allow it to connect to your Confluence site.
- Click the file to open it in preview.
- Click Edit with.
- Follow the prompts to download and install the Atlassian Companion app.
- Launch the Companion app.
- In the Companion app, click Trust to confirm you want to connect to Confluence.
You can also download and install the app manually for Mac or Windows or use a Microsoft Installer (.msi file). See Administering the Atlassian Companion app for details.
Change your default app
Confluence allows you to edit files in your operating system's default app for that file type (for example, .psd files will open in Photoshop). To change the app your Confluence file opens in, change the default app in your operating system.
Manually upload an edited file
You can only upload changes back to Confluence if those changes are saved in the original file. You won't be able to upload if:
- you edit the file and save it as a new version
- the application you’re using saves the file in a different format to the original — for example, from a PowerPoint file (.pptx) to a Keynote file (.key).
If this happens, you can upload your new version manually:
- Click the original file in Confluence to open it in preview.
- Click the Upload a new version button and select your new file version.
- Click Done.
What to do if you lose your edited file
If you close a file and can't upload it back to Confluence (for example, if you lose internet connection), you can access a backup from the Atlassian Companion folder on your computer.
Follow our guide to accessing Confluence files edited with the Atlassian Companion app.
File size limits
Confluence won't allow you to upload your changes if the edited file is larger than your site's maximum file size limit. This limit is set by your system administrator. By default the limit is 10 MB, but your admin may have increased or reduced it. Check out Upload Files for more information.
Revoke trust between Confluence and the Companion app
If you want to disconnect the Companion app from your Confluence site, you can remove it as a trusted site.
To revoke trust:
- Click the Companion app icon in your system's toolbar.
- Choose Clear all trusted domains.
Note: clearing trusted domains won't kill active connections. If you select Clear all trusted domains while editing a file, you'll still be able to upload those changes back to Confluence.