Basic HTTP Authentication not working for REST calls


Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible



When performing a REST call to Confluence, even though the correct user credentials are provided for basic authentication, the response is the same as if the user didn't have permission to access the requested content.


  • Confluence Server
  • Integration with third-party SSO apps (not using Crowd SSO or SSO 2.0 from Confluence DC)
  • Customization applied to the file <confluence_install>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/seraph-config.xml


When performing a simple REST call to get the current logged user, you are presented with an "anonymous" result:

$ curl -u user:password -H "X-Atlassian-Token: no-check" --request GET http://<CONFLUENCE_URL>:<CONFLUENCE_PORT>/<CONTEXT_PATH>/rest/api/user/current


Also, simple REST calls, as for example, retrieving content from Confluence, returns a 404 error:

$ curl -u user:password -H "X-Atlassian-Token: no-check" --request GET 'http://<CONFLUENCE_URL>:<CONFLUENCE_PORT>/<CONTEXT_PATH>/rest/api/content?spaceKey=KEY' 

{"statusCode":404,"data":{"authorized":false,"valid":true,"allowedInReadOnlyMode":true,"errors":[],"successful":false},"message":"No space with key : KEY","reason":"Not Found"}


The file seraph-config.xml contains the core configuration of the Seraph authentication framework.

A customization on this file will impact on how Confluence authenticate its users and could be the responsible for this behavior.


  1. Backup the existing seraph-config.xml file, so you won't lose any modification applied to it
    1. You can rename the file, using:

      $ mv seraph_config.xml seraph_config.xml_customized
  2. Download a Confluence standalone file - same version you're using - from Confluence Server Download Archives
  3. Stop Confluence
  4. Copy the original seraph-config.xml from the recently downloaded Confluence into your existing installation, replacing the modified seraph-config.xml
  5. Start Confluence

Contact the vendor from the SSO app to understand how the modifications on seraph-config.xml should be applied to work with REST calls

    1. You can compare the customized seraph.config.xml with the original one to understand which modifications caused the issue by using a simple diff command:

      $ diff seraph_config.xml_customized seraph_config.xml
Last modified on Mar 7, 2025

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