Cache Management Does Not Display Any Information


  • The Cache Statistics page in Confluence Administration > Cache Management appears to be empty:

  • The following appears in the atlassian-confluence.log:

2014-06-19 22:49:09,332 ERROR [http-bio-8552-exec-6] [common.error.jersey.ThrowableExceptionMapper] toResponse Uncaught exception thrown by REST service: Multiple decimal separators in pattern "###.###.###.###.###"
 -- referer: http://localhost:8552/admin/cache/showStatistics.action | url: /rest/cacheManagement/1.0/stats | userName: admin
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Multiple decimal separators in pattern "###.###.###.###.###"


The number format under Confluence Admin > General Configuration > Formatting and International Settings is configured incorrectly.                                   


Under Formatting and International Settings, revert the number format back to the default setting:

  1. Go to Confluence Admin >  General Configuration > Formatting and International Settings                                      
  2. Reconfigure the "Long Number Format" and "Decimal Number Format" back to the default, as shown below:


Last modified on Mar 30, 2016

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