Cannot Switch Back from Desktop View When in a Mobile Using Chrome Browser

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This article is about Confluence mobile web. It does not apply to the Confluence iOS app, which is available now for Confluence Cloud customers.


  • Using Confluence on a mobile Chrome Browser, if you switch to the desktop view and try to change it back, it won't work.


There is a cookie named '', which stores the setting for the mobile view or desktop view. If the cookie isn't cleared or changed properly, then the website won't change the view.

It was also found that Chrome Browser doesn't clear properly the cookies, even clicking on the browser option to clear cookies. This is probably a bug with the mobile version of the browser.


1) Reset the Chrome mobile browser app to default, so it's going to wipe the cookies and restore the normal view.


2) Use the incognito mode.

Last modified on Aug 10, 2018

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