Confluence ERROR when access the User Directories

Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


The administrator are not able to access the user directories. 

The following appears in the atlassian-confluence.log

2015-10-13 10:53:46,002 ERROR [http-bio-8090-exec-10] [atlassian.confluence.servlet.ConfluenceServletDispatcher] sendError Could not execute action
 -- referer: | url: /index.action | userName: usera 
com.atlassian.crowd.exception.runtime.OperationFailedException: Failed to determine if user usera is a nested member of group confluence-administrators in directory 5242882
        at com.atlassian.crowd.manager.application.ApplicationServiceGeneric$DirectoryPredicate.apply(
        at com.atlassian.crowd.manager.application.ApplicationServiceGeneric$DirectoryPredicate.apply(
        at com.atlassian.crowd.manager.application.ApplicationServiceGeneric.isUserNestedGroupMember(
Caused by: com.atlassian.crowd.exception.DirectoryInstantiationException: com.atlassian.cache.CacheException: java.lang.NullPointerException: The validated 
object is null


Run the query below to check the directory attribute. Replace the <ID> in the query below the id shown in the logs. In this case, the ID is 5242882.

SELECT * FROM cwd_directory_attribute where directory_id=<directory_id>;


If the query below does not return you any result. This means that the directory are corrupted. 



You will need to delete the corrupted directory after that recreate the directory if it is an LDAP directory . Please note, this will remove all the your local user membership.

Last modified on Nov 2, 2018

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