Disable RSS Feeds to send updates

Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible

Code changes required

This configuration requires changing the Confluence code in your installation. You will need to reapply these changes whenever you upgrade Confluence. Proceed with caution.

Confluence does not have the option to disable RSS feeds updates to be sent from the feeds subscribers/readers. To have it disabled, you will need to edit the JAR file inside Confluence. The workaround is in the following guide:

Modify the xwork.xml located in the JAR file <Conlfuence-Install>/confluence/WEB-INF/lib/confluence-x.x.x.jar/, replacing the x.x.x with the current version of Confluence. For example, if you're using Confluence 7.13.3., the jar file will be confluence-7.13.3.jar.

  1. Stop Confluence
  2. Go to <Conlfuence-Install>/confluence/WEB-INF/lib
  3. Find and Unjar confluence-x.x.x.jar to a temporary directory. See how to edit files in Confluence JAR files        
  4. Find and Edit xwork.xml
  5. Locate and remove below codes:

     <action name="createrssfeed" class="com.atlassian.confluence.spaces.actions.CreateRssFeedAction"><interceptor-ref
  6. Save the file to <Conlfuence-Install>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes
  7. Restart Confluence

Last modified on Mar 3, 2022

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