Issue with adding Confluence Team Calendar in External calendar

Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


External calendar fails to add a Confluence team calendar ICS file. 

Subscribe to Team Calendars from third-party calendars




Capture a HAR while trying to add the TC calendar ICS file to the external calendar. 

Request on 2023-09-08T10:44:08.564Z
Request URL: http://localhost:8090/rest/calendar-services/1.0/calendar/subcalendar/privateurl/711b5dbe-33d6-4325-a1e3-601e665d99de?_=1695140969192HTTP Version: HTTP/1.1Request method: GETRemote Address: [::1]

Check the <local-home>/logs/atlassian-confluence.log for calendar threads:

023-08-09 10:44:10,033 WARN [http-jsse-nio-8090-exec-] [extra.calendar3.calendarstore.CalendarContentCacheLoader] load Could not load calendar content from cache key. Please enable DEBUG mode to see the error detail.
 -- url: /rest/calendar-services/1.0/calendar/export/subcalendar/private/711b5dbe-33d6-4325-a1e3-601e665d99de.ics |  | userName: anonymous

Notice the WARNING URL's path contains export and private

  • Ensure security credentials are correct. 
  • Check Team Calendar Global Settings. 

    1. Click Administration tab in the top navigation bar.
    2. Navigate to General configuration » Team Calendars » Global Settings tab. 
    3. Confirm the Disable Private URLs is unchecked.  


Private URLs allow users to securely subscribe to Team Calendars without requiring login credentials. This is required for integration with some web-based calendar applications such as Google Calendar. If disabled, subscriptions to these external services will not work, however users will still be able to subscribe through desktop applications such as Microsoft Outlook.


Check Team Calendar Global Settings. 

  1. Click Administration tab in the top navigation bar.
  2. Navigate to General configuration » Team Calendars » Global Settings tab. 
  3. Uncheck the Disable Private URLs and Save changes.  

If this doesn't help, increase logging for com.atlassian.confluence.extra.calendar3 class. 

  1. Navigate to General configuration » Logging and Profiling. 
  2. Add the class without spaces or special characters in the Class/Package text box and change the log level to DEBUG.

Reproduce issue while creating a HAR file and Contact the support team with this data. 

Last modified on May 1, 2024

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