Missing settings in Code Macro configuration window

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This refers to versions of Confluence 5.8 and below. The Code Macro has been replaced with the Code Block Macro in newer versions.


  • 'Syntax highlighting' and 'Theme' settings were not visible in Code Macro configuration window:
  • All Code Macro plugin modules were enabled but the issue persists


Temporarily enable Plugin Safe Mode and check if it makes any difference. This will disabled all user-installed plugins at once. So if the issue does not occur again, it is caused by one of the third-party plugins installed. In order to isolate which plugin is the culprit, you may need to enable the plugin one-by-one till you observed the issue arise again. This may need to be done during non-peak hours as disabling third-party plugins would cause users unable to perform some operations provided by those plugins. Once the test has been carried out, disable this mode.


This issue is caused by Numbered Heading Plugin.


Disable this plugin or upgrade Numbered Headings to version 2.0.5

Last modified on Jan 20, 2023

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