Personal Space Results in 500 Error due to Siteminder Configuration

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This problem is related to a third party plugin, and therefore not supported by Atlassian. See Atlassian Supported Plugins​ for more information.


The Siteminder SSO authenticator is enabled in Confluence.

An Internal Server Error (500) is returned when browsing to personal spaces. No other error message is printed (even in logs). Additionally, image links that have a "//" in their URL (such as the ones generated by the Profile Picture Macro) do not render as expected.

500 Error


Siteminder maintains a list of bad characters, which are character sequences that cannot be used in URL sequences. If the Siteminder web agent finds a bad character in the URL, it will reject the request. By default, the tilde (~) and two forward slashes (//) are included in the list. 


In the Siteminder configuration file, remove the '~' and '//' from the bad characters list.

Last modified on Feb 26, 2016

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