Team Calendars for Confluence unable to load events from JIRA calendar


Jira events are not appearing in Team Calendars, even though the Application Link is fine and JIRA issue macros work fine on Confluence pages.


The following errors can be seen in the Confluence logs:

2019-11-25 12:25:31,702 ERROR [https-jsse-nio-8091-exec-5] [extra.calendar3.calendarstore.CalendarDataStoreCachingDecorator] load Could not load calendar content from cache key


Caused by: com.atlassian.confluence.extra.calendar3.calendarstore.JiraAccessor$JiraResponseException: The response from project = "PROJKEY" didn't make sense
Unable to load events of <user> (a82c0c96-0a43-4f90-a519-f950120e40a0): Unable to read response from https://<domain name>/rest/ical/1.0/ical/search/filter/events.ics?_=1351680360427&searchFilterId=10102&dateFieldName=versiondue&dateFieldName=duedate&dateFieldName=sprint&includeFixVersions=true as iCalendar text


This error may due to some causes:

  1. JIRA could be down
  2. User may not have access to the saved filter.  There is an ongoing improvement request about this: CONFSERVER-51116 - Meaningful message when there is lack of permission to view saved filter 
  3. The JQL may be pointing to projects or fields that no longer exist
  4. Network timeout issues
  5. JIRA is set to use a "GMT-X" timezone format using the -Duser.timezone startup parameter. This issue is being tracked here: CONFSERVER-50030 - JIRA Team Calendars unable to show in Confluence if JIRA user.timezone is set to GMT-X format
  6. If you're using JIRA 4.4 and Team Calendars for Confluence JIRA Integration  version 1.0.11, you may hitting this bug:


Based on the four identified causes above, the corresponding suggested resolutions are as below:

  1. Troubleshoot: Check if the JIRA service is running 
    Fix: Bring JIRA back up
  2. Troubleshoot: Check the permissions on the JIRA saved filter (Get the owner of the JIRA saved filter to share it, if yet to be shared)
    Fix: Ensure the viewer has permissions
  3. Troubleshoot: Run the JQL in the issue navigator and ensure it is a valid JQL query
    Fix: Edit the JIRA calendar and re-apply the new JQL query
  4. Troubleshoot: An administrator would have to connect to the Confluence server and test the connection between it and the JIRA server
  5. Troubleshoot: Look for the following error in the JIRA logs (<jira_home>/log/atlassian-jira.log):

    2011-06-10 15:01:45,759 TP-Processor2 ERROR couri 901x2x1 1yk5fq8 /rest/ical/1.0/ical/project/CSP/events.ics [jira.extra.icalfeed.IcalendarResource] Unable to export issues to iCalendar
            at com.atlassian.jira.extra.icalfeed.IcalendarResource.toIcalendar(
            at com.atlassian.jira.extra.icalfeed.IcalendarResource.getIcalendarByProject(
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

    Fix: Set the Java system property user.timezone to use a format such as "US/Pacific" or "America/New York" (e.g. -Duser.timezone=US/Pacific) in JIRA. For details to set system properties in JIRA, please refer to this documentation - Setting Properties and Options on Startup

  6. Upgrade to JIRA 5.2.x or use Team Calendars for Confluence JIRA Integration  version 1.0.9 instead
Last modified on Jan 29, 2025

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