Crowd 1.1 Upgrade Notes

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To upgrade to Crowd 1.1.x from 1.0.x or earlier,

  • Follow the usual steps for upgrading crowd.
  • Configure two additional web applications, as described below.

Configuring OpenID Server and OpenID Demo Client applications

In Crowd 1.1, two new web applications have been added to Crowd, along with the Crowd Administration Console and the Demo Application. The new applications are:



OpenID Server

(info) Note: Logically, the OpenID Server is a client application of the Crowd Server, and must be configured as such. The OpenID Server requires a database. By default, a HSQL database is used.

OpenID Demo Client

A simple web application which can be used as a starting point to develop OpenID-enabled Java applications. This application is lightweight. It has no persistence store and does not talk to the Crowd Security Server.

Perform the following steps to finish the upgrade:

  1. Create a database to house the data specific to the OpenID Server.
  2. Point the application context to the new database. The application context for the OpenID Server is in atlassian-crowd-1.1.0/apache-tomcat-5.5.20/conf/catalina/localhost/openidserver.xml More information on how to modify this file for your particular database can be found in 2024-04-19_12-06-30_Connecting CrowdID to a Database.
  3. Update the atlassian-crowd-1.1.0/crowd-openidserver-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/ to reflect the dialect of your database.
  4. Update atlassian-crowd-1.1.0/crowd-openidserver-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/ to use a secure password for the OpenID Server application.
  5. Add the application via the Crowd Administration Console. The default name of the application is crowd-openid-server and the password is whatever you specified in in the previous step. For more information on how to add an application, see Adding an Application.
  6. Restart the server. This should set up the OpenID Server in Crowd.
Last modified on May 7, 2008

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