Granting Crowd Administration Rights to a User

Members of the 'crowd-administrators' group have administration privileges — that is, they can:

The 'crowd-administrators' group is automatically created in your default directory when you install Crowd. (See Running the Setup Wizard.) If you need to grant Crowd administration rights to users in other directories, you can create a 'crowd-administrators' group in any or all of your other directories and map the directories to the 'crowd' application.

To grant administration privileges to a user

  1. Log in to the Crowd Administration Console.
  2. In the top navigation bar, select Users.
    The User Browser will appear.
  3. Select the relevant directory, search for the user you want to update, and select the user's name.
    The User Details screen will appear.
  4. Select the Groups tab.
    A list of the user's current groups (if any) will appear.
  5. From the drop-down list, Select the crowd-administrators group, and click Add.

If you wish, you can use a different or additional group to contain your Crowd administrators. To do this, map your chosen group(s) to the 'crowd' application as described in Specifying which Groups can access an Application and add 'System administrator' permissions in 'crowd' application 'Administrators' page for just added group.

Last modified on Apr 16, 2024

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