How Do I Replace Crowd Internal Directory with External Connector Directory for Crowd Application

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Step-by-step guide

  1. Ensure External Connector Directory is added (see Adding a Directory)
  2. Create new group crowd-administrators in the new External Directory
  3. Create new user admin under crowd-administrators group
  4. Navigate to Applications >> Crowd, open Directories tab
  5. Add and set the External Connector Directory in the first position
  6. Go to Groups tab, add group crowd-administrators that belong to External Connector Directory
  7. Logout from Crowd
  8. Login using the new user created in Step 3
  9. Navigate to Applications >> Crowd, open Directories tab
  10. Remove the Crowd Internal Directory


Step 6 is very important because without this, all users will lose permissions when Step 10 is executed

Last modified on Nov 2, 2018

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