Create a network of users
Create a personal network of users that you want to follow.
'Issue' is changing to 'work item'. You might notice some inconsistencies while this big change takes place.
Confluence is all about working together to get the best results for you and your team. Share Confluence content with your teammates, so they can join in a collaborative editing session to capture shared meeting notes work together on product requirements, or polish a proposal.
There are also other ways for you to notify your team about content they might be interested in.
You can:
Mention someone on a page or blog post, or in a comment or task
Add a reaction to any content such as a page, blog post, or comment
Whenever you mention another user, they'll get a notification; if you like a page, blog post, or comment, Confluence will let the author know that you like their content.
Other users can also find out about changes to content in Confluence by watching pages and spaces.
Create a network of users
Create a personal network of users that you want to follow.
Add a reaction to any content
Let teammates know that you like their work.
Mention a person or team
Mention people or teams by tagging them.
Share Confluence content
Keep your teammates in the loop by sharing content with them.
Comment on pages, whiteboards, and blog posts
Provide your teammates with feedback by commenting on pages, whiteboards, and blogs.
Watch pages, spaces, whiteboards, and blogs
Stay informed about changes to content by watching pages, whiteboards, spaces, and blogs.
Add people to Confluence from Google, Slack, or Microsoft
Add anyone to Confluence from Google, Slack, or Microsoft (or all three). It’s quick, convenient, and secure.
What can guests see and do in Confluence?
Learn the details of what guests can and cannot do in Confluence.
Share content externally with public links
Turn on public links to allow individual Confluence pages and whiteboards to be shared with anyone on the internet.
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